2023/4 Training Kit: How To Order
The Club is once again pleased to be able to offer all its members the opportunity to purchase some OHAFC training gear.
Please read the following carefully so you are clear as to how to place your order.
1.Go through the two images below highlighting all the available items for each of the two major brands, adidas and Nike. These were chosen for their quality and to match the brands currently worn by the four OHAFC sides (nike for 1s, 3s & Vets, adidas for the 2s). Make a note of which items you may be interested in by the corresponding letter. You may order as many or as few items as you wish and from either brand - there is no limitation of any kind. You may also order multiple copies of the same item if desired.
2. Visit the next two news stories (adidas items, nike items) which provide full details on each of the items, including price and sizes available. Note that not all sizes are available for every item. The price listed is for the garment only. Adding an embroidered OHAFC badge (assumed for every item ordered unless otherwise stated) costs an additional £4.50. Adding your player initials (printed in vinyl, optional) costs an additional £2.50. From experience, it is recommended adding your initials to each item - clothing often gets left by the side of the pitch, in changing rooms etc and without your initials it can be hard to trace the item's owner.
3. Once you are happy that you know what you want, including size and initials options, place your order with the relevant person for each squad, as follows: 1s - Freddie Everett, 2s - David Lederman, 3s - Si Nicholson, Vets - David Lederman. Each of these players is on the corresponding squad whatsapp group. Send them a private message with your name and for each item you wish to order the following information: item letter, quantity, size, initials required (state 'no initials' if not required). Should you wish to order a garment without the OHAFC badge on it, please state this also.
Example: Joe Bloggs kit order - Item A, quantity 1, size XL, initials JB; Item E, quantity 2, size L, no initials; Item N, quantity 1, size XL, initials JB.
4. Once you have placed your order, the player collecting it will calculate the total cost and confirm with you. You will be asked to pay by electronic transfer asap. IMPORTANT: A hard deadline will be set to place your order AND TO MAKE PAYMENT. The Club cannot place the order with the suppliers until all payments from players have been made. IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID BY THE DEADLINE, YOUR ORDER WILL NOT BE INCLUDED. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.
Due to stock levels changing constantly, there is no guarantee all items will be available. The sooner we place our order, the more chance of avoiding disappointment.
5. Once the order has been placed, we will confirm any items out of stock and refund any money due to players. The wait time for most items is listed at 1-3 weeks. From experience, this is likely to be optimistic, with Xmas a more realistic time frame. Obviously the club will keep everyone informed of any news regarding the order. Once the items have been delivered, supply to each individual will be confirmed - hopefully most can be done at matches.
6. Any queries - please message David Lederman on whatsapp - he is on each squad's whatsapp group if you don't have his number
7. Finally...PLEASE be prompt choosing your items to order, help Freddie, Si and DL by sending them a CLEAR message with your order details and pay promptly when asked to do so. Ordering kit for 50 odd players is a sizeable task and we need everyone to make this as simple a process as possible.
Now...see below for the overview of the items on offer and check out the separate adidas and nike stories for detailed descriptions to help you decide...
First up, the adidas selection...

And now the nike items available...