OHAFC summary of FA requirements for Covid-19
Key points relevant to players
The below bullet points are only intended as a very brief summary, you are strongly encouraged to read the remainder of this short document which contains additional detail, and if possible the relevant FA documents.
• Don’t play if you have symptoms of COVID-19
• Normal competitive match play permitted, but social distancing required before and after
• Sanitise hands before and after playing and during breaks in play
• Limit ball handling (i.e. only for throw ins)
• Goal celebrations should be avoided/socially distanced
• Don’t share equipment like water bottles and bibs, and goalkeepers to disinfect gloves regularly
• Don’t shout when facing someone, or eat chewing gum, or spit
• If a player gets injured please remain socially distanced unless an emergency
• Confirm any relevant medical conditions to organiser/skipper (e.g. if you suffer from fits)
• Travel to and from games/training only with household members/support bubble if possible
• No pre-match handshakes or huddles
Additional detail
• Everyone should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection you must not participate or attend;
• Competitive match play is permitted, with social distancing in place before and after the match, and in any breaks in play;
• Players and officials should sanitise hands before and after a game as well as scheduled breaks throughout a game or training session;
• Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot and the ball disinfected in breaks of play;
• Goal celebrations should be avoided;
• Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training;
• Where possible, players, coaches and officials should arrive changed and shower at home. Use of changing and shower facilities must follow government advice on the use of indoor facilities;
• Participants should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and walking or cycling if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle
• Confirm any relevant medical conditions (privately to organiser/skipper if preferred). For example if you are prone to fits.
• No chewing gum, sharing of water bottles, or spitting
Key points relevant to organisers/club officers/captains
• When your club decides to return, you must carry out a risk assessment and record the procedures and checks put in place. It’s essential everyone is clear about the restrictions and works together to manage social distancing, strict hand hygiene and the other protocols set out in this document.
• Clubs and facility providers should ensure that their facility is compliant with current Government legislation and guidance related to COVID-19;
• Competitive training is now permitted, with groups limited to a maximum of 30 people, including coaches;
• Clubs should keep a record of attendees at a match or training session, including contact details, to support NHS Test and Trace;
• Clubs should ensure they are affiliated with their County Football Association.
• Data Privacy Policy/Notices updated to cover data handling of attendees to aid NHS Test and Trace
Facility operators (groundstaff) should ensure they have read and understood The FA’s guidance for ‘Providers of outdoor football facilities, including clubs’, available here.